I came across an intriguing blog this afternoon. It touched me in so many ways. My prayers and support or with Deanna, as well as my Mother who has lung cancer as well as my friend Jenny (who's husband has prostrate cancer).
PINK is the color that represents a never ending courage, dignity and strength innately possessed by every woman who has personally experienced the journey and/or traveled the journey as a wife, Mother, daughter, sister, extended family member or friend.
Cancer is a very diverse and invasive disease, it has no boundaries and it is not selective on whom it attacks. The types of cancer are endless. Check out the National Every one's support is needed in continuing the research, please keep informed and support in any way you can to help to continue the research.
Next month is Breast Cancer Awareness month, this disease is still one of the major causes of death for women over age 40. Women who have either been faced with this dreaded disease, or persons have lost relatives who were diagnosed with its various forms, have been wearing a pink ribbon, symbolizing the disease which will strike an estimated 178,000 women in America alone this year, with more than 40,000 dying from breast cancalone.
While October is breast cancer awareness month, become aware of all cancers and show your support!
Do you know someone experiencing the journey? Show her you care!