Pink is not a problem, but design an ornament . . . how talented am I? My first thought was I will sew. I actually went on a search for the right fabric, trims, and oh so many to choose from and so many ideas came to mind as I walked the aisles. Then, a vision was before me, my idea was in sight BUT so was the craft section of the store (you know, the beads, embellishments, gorgeous
papers.) A little of this and a little of that ~ enough already! Well, my trip was fairly pricey! I walked to my car admitting to myself that I am a fabric sleuth, why did I need more fabric, why did I go into this store? Silly me!

I changed my design, I changed the media that I would use, not just once or twice, rather too many to count. I was not happy with a one of them. Have you ever just thought too much and it becomes too difficult to imagine? (Maybe a Type A personality here????) Finally, I put the project on hold for a week or more and then last Friday, instead of fretting over the design and believing it would not be good enough, I just went with my heart. It is by no means a masterpiece but truly a gift designed from my heart in honor of "Jingle for the Cure"!
"There's more, much more, to Christmas than candlelight and cheer; it's the spirit of sweet friendship that brightens all year. It's thoughtfulness and kindness, it's hope reborn again, for peace, for understanding, and for goodwill to men!" unknown