27 December 2008
25 December 2008
24 December 2008
And Suddenly there was with the Angel . . .
15 December 2008
Jingle for the Cure

I changed my design, I changed the media that I would use, not just once or twice, rather too many to count. I was not happy with a one of them. Have you ever just thought too much and it becomes too difficult to imagine? (Maybe a Type A personality here????) Finally, I put the project on hold for a week or more and then last Friday, instead of fretting over the design and believing it would not be good enough, I just went with my heart. It is by no means a masterpiece but truly a gift designed from my heart in honor of "Jingle for the Cure"!
11 November 2008
Aqua and Pink . . . vintage style
Jean Pouyat Limoge Cake Plate Handpainted ca 1898
ARTIST SIGNED AND DATED 1898: Beautiful hand painted French Limoge plate with gold trim and robin egg blue. The colors are soft and a romantic mix of pinks, yellows, greens and lavender. This is a highly decorative piece and will make a nice addition to any collection or simply for display. Too gorgeous for cake or cookies!!!
California Originals Aqua Lazy Susan
This gorgeously designed vintage Lazy Susan by California Originals, Manhattan Beach, Calif, is a stunning set suitable for any occasion. The soft aqua color is classy and absolutely timeless and will complement any decor or setting. The design and color is exemplary of California Originals quality design and products.
27 October 2008
Romance, Angels and the Pianist . . .

The print does not show the litho company nor the artist. It appears the original was cut down for professional framing.
Has anyone ever come across this painting? Can anyone identify who the artist was for this litho?
29 September 2008
Can I be pretty in pink?

I came across an intriguing blog this afternoon. It touched me in so many ways. My prayers and support or with Deanna, as well as my Mother who has lung cancer as well as my friend Jenny (who's husband has prostrate cancer).
PINK is the color that represents a never ending courage, dignity and strength innately possessed by every woman who has personally experienced the journey and/or traveled the journey as a wife, Mother, daughter, sister, extended family member or friend.
Cancer is a very diverse and invasive disease, it has no boundaries and it is not selective on whom it attacks. The types of cancer are endless. Check out the National Every one's support is needed in continuing the research, please keep informed and support in any way you can to help to continue the research.
Next month is Breast Cancer Awareness month, this disease is still one of the major causes of death for women over age 40. Women who have either been faced with this dreaded disease, or persons have lost relatives who were diagnosed with its various forms, have been wearing a pink ribbon, symbolizing the disease which will strike an estimated 178,000 women in America alone this year, with more than 40,000 dying from breast cancalone.
While October is breast cancer awareness month, become aware of all cancers and show your support!
Do you know someone experiencing the journey? Show her you care!
Vintage Jewelry, Findings and Repurposed

I am adding more vintage costume jewelry, brooches and pins signed and unsigned over the next few weeks. My signed collection includes Arts, NEMO, Kramer, Lisner, Coro, Trifari, Sarah Coventry, Florenza, Eisenberg to name a few. I will be adding many beautiful pieces over the next few weeks so visit frequently for that special gift, bridal, bridesmaid, prom, pageant jewelry, fashion jewelry for parties, cruises and special functions!
19 August 2008
As I look back ~
To Mother
:As I look back on my life I find myself wondering, did I remember to thank you for all that you have done for me?
For all of the times you were by my side to help me celebrate my successes and accept my defeats?
Or for teaching me the value of hard work, good judgement, courage, and honesty?
I wonder if I've ever thanked you for the simple things, the laughter, smiles, and quiet times we've shared?
If I have forgotten to express my gratitude for any of these things, I am thanking you now and I am hoping that you've known all along, how very much you are loved and appreciated.
~Author Unknown~
18 August 2008
Romance is vintage stemware . . .

Add vintage/antique to your wedding with stunning sparkle as you celebrate your special ocassion. Nothing comes close to matching the light, sparkle and unique pattern of our premium crystal stemware.
07 August 2008
Better left unsaid . . .

04 July 2008
29 June 2008
Estate Sales . . .